Thursday, May 1, 2014

National Day of Prayer - May 1, 2014

This year’s theme for the National Day of Prayer is: “…that you may with one mind and one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Romans 15:6)  And, so we pray:

Dear Lord Jesus,

Today on this National Day of Prayer, please guide us to open our hearts, to set aside our differences, to come together in prayer to acknowledge the Lovingkindness of God.

The theme for this year’s prayer asks us to come together with “one mind and one voice” to glorify God.  Often, we go about our day not realizing Who is providing us oxygen to breathe, Who is giving us energy to work, learn or play, Who is giving us strength to carry on – and, especially, not realizing that we are all given these gifts simultaneously.  Please help us to recognize that when we set our mind on gratitude for God’s Grace, we then let go of the need to find fault, to outshine another, to use our strength against others – we realize that we are not here to overtake others but to have gratitude for every opportunity and to delight in others’ happiness.

In this past year, we have seen much tragedy across the world – many hearts and souls ache with sadness and grief.  Many of these tragedies included great loss – the Malaysian plane, the mudslide in Washington State, the avalanche on Mount Everest, the Korean Ferry Boat – the magnitude of which we cannot even fathom; yet, there are family members and friends, who are dealing with the depths of great loss.  Let us realize the interconnectedness of all our souls and extend heartfelt comfort.

Dear Lord, our beautiful planet Earth is going through many changes and drastic measures in our current time – earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, mudslides, tsunamis and avalanches of greater and greater magnitude.  Please help us to acknowledge and appreciate every living thing – the beauty of the flowers and trees and plants that God has provided us, the rich earth that provides our nourishment – too often, we see our land as something to conquer instead of something to regard and respect.  Please help us to honor the earth and treat it properly.

God has given us such ability, strength, resilience and love as humans – yet, too often we use those gifts as a means to overshadow fellow human beings.  Please help us each day, Dear Lord, to rise above this need in order to see and feel the greater need of all.  Please help us take one step closer to God, to live with Your understanding and love in order to extend kindness and gentleness to others as You did.  Please help us to know the heartwarming feeling of giving of oneself on behalf of another.

In Matthew 6:9-13, You gave us a prayer that encompasses what we need to say – The Our Father.  Please help us to truly ask that “Your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven,” so that we may better ourselves and create a better planet and place for everyone to live.

With gratitude and humility, we ask this in the Name of Jesus.  Amen.