Thursday, December 1, 2016

The Grace of Joy

I’m not sure how we’ve reached the Christmas Season already but it’s definitely upon us! And, as we all know, sometimes the Christmas Season brings out the best in us and sometimes – well, not so much! There is so much beauty that Christmas offers; yet Christmas also seems to stir the resistance in us, possibly spurred on by our expectations. But, I think Christmas is meant to be about Joy!

As generations come and go, we often enjoy recapturing our childhood memories of Christmas. Once we grow into adulthood, however, a lot of changes take place as the next generation brings in new faces to the family gatherings. What a stir that creates! This means we put up our defenses or we decide we’re not going to like that person or we’re frustrated that the status quo has been changed! Meanwhile, we all gather together with our own secret wishes intact; yet, we sit smiling while a slow burn is activated inside. Oh, what Joy!

So, maybe Christmas, with all its twinkling lights is really here to shine a bright spotlight on the not-so-nice moments of being human. Maybe it’s a time for us to seek the peace and serenity of the season and maybe it’s a time to do something about it, too. After all, we can really only control our thoughts, our actions and our beliefs, so we might as well start there. Trying to control someone else or manipulate them into a different way of being will only create friction and separate us. Possibly, this Christmas, take the time to really get in touch with your feelings, watch what comes up, how much you feel left out or feel frustrated or feel out of control or disappointed. Then do something about it! Paying attention to your feelings brings you to the present and offers an opportunity to let go of all those negative thoughts. Just recognizing those thoughts means you’re accepting exactly where you’re at! It doesn’t mean you have to like this experience; but now that you’ve accepted where you’re at, you can decide to change your thoughts. It’s the season to go deeper – somewhere down deep, there is love and joy. Every moment we spend separated from those gifts of grace are wasted moments.

Let go of the resistance to what is – instead, find the lightness, find the depth, find the peace and serenity within – make it a plan for this Christmas to “not go there” when it comes to trivial grievances within family gatherings. Reach deeply to see that person you don’t like so well from your soul to his/her soul. Instead, go where we are all one. Find that connection. Find God’s Presence – find Joy!