Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Grace of Christmas Memories

“Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings
of great joy which will be to all people.”
(Luke 2:10) 

Shepherds received this message from an angel while watching their flock at the time of Christ’s birth.  One can only imagine what they experienced – an angel appearing to them amidst their daily routine!  The angel told them not to be afraid and said they would find Him in swaddling clothes lying in a manger – and so they did.  The shepherds then made their experience widely known throughout their community.

Today, perhaps we can bring their experience present by acknowledging the meaning of Christmas.  Something that always helps me be true to this special time are my childhood Christmas memories.

Beyond the excitement of “What is Santa going to bring?” there were always moments I could count on that are now etched in my heart.  The time was one of “coming together.”  We would visit friends and family or they would visit us.  With the tree lit and the manger scene displayed, it was a reminder that we were all acknowledging the birth of Christ.  Perhaps it was something like what the shepherds did – share in the knowledge and joy of what has taken place.  Our family would attend midnight Mass, which brought its own special moments: the angelic sounds of the boys’ and men’s choir, the smell of incense wafting throughout the church, the stained-glass windows darkened by the night, the candles flickering, the sound of my Dad’s voice resonating deeply inside me when he sang O Holy Night, the drive home in the cold darkness – once home, we’d share hot chocolate and cookies around the kitchen table.  It was always memorable, a wonderful feeling, one filled with awe and wonderment.  It was Christmas.

The shepherds were also told to give “Glory to God in the Highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men.” (Luke 2:14)

In our current society, many have become hesitant to acknowledge the true meaning of Christmas in order to be politically correct.  Wishing someone, anyone, a Merry Christmas is a gift to be given when we understand the true meaning behind it.

I wish each of you the promise of joy, peace and goodwill.
A Blessed Merry Christmas and Happy, Healthy New Year!

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