Thursday, September 1, 2016

With Gratitude for Trust

In our earthly life, the topic of trust typically comes about early on, possibly when our parents first speak to us about trust. Today, I’d like to speak of an even larger trust – the trust we have in God.

It takes time to build trust with someone; yet, strangely, it seems it takes even more time to build trust in God. I think that’s because we don’t truly believe in ourselves enough in order to believe that God could love us so much that we could totally put our trust in Him. This is not unlike a recent post where we discussed the difference between our earthly self and our real Self, our Soul (May 2016).

What makes life on this earthly plane a lot easier is to realize how much trust God has placed in us. He creates us, specifically, individually and on purpose, then He places us on this earth and gives us an opportunity to create whatever it is we wish to create. I believe we know what our “plan” is prior to arriving here; however, it’s often easy to get lost in our own free will in the process of creating. So, sometimes we get a little off our spiritual plan.

But, now, think about how much trust you have in God. After He’s done all that on our behalf and so personally, think about how hard it is to trust in Him. Thinking back to my own Father, I know I had full trust in him. I knew I could trust him at every turn. I was very, very fortunate to have had that experience. But, even with the grace of that experience, it's still taken me a longer time to trust God. Why? I know it’s because I couldn’t imagine that He cared for me – who was I in His eyes? In fact, I remember praying to Him as a child saying things like: “I know you’re really busy and you have more important things to take care of than me, but if and when you have a minute, could you please….”

Fortunately, there came a day, not all that long ago, when I realized – I truly realized, that God made me specifically and on purpose. I also realized how much self-loathing I had done to myself for years. I literally got down on my knees and asked for forgiveness for ever thinking for a moment that I was not of value or not worthy.

Realize that positively every breath you take, every decision you make, every step you take is given to you with God’s Love - He even hangs in with us when we are making poor choices. Even when we get diverted from our spiritual path and our lessons, He patiently guides us as we slowly get back to our original plan. Patience – I can’t even imagine the patience He has. So, know that at every moment, you are being cared for, you are being loved fully, you are being guided and you are being blessed. Know that there are many times when you have been saved from tragedy, when you have been protected from harm.

When we find that trust in God, even on days when things go wrong (or what appears to be wrong in our eyes), you can know that He is the One in charge and that He has only our best interests at heart. Trust that what is happening has a purpose - He always leads us toward the good. Let go of the need to control and trust that God is always in charge and look forward to His Plan because it is always much better than we could ever imagine. Think of His Plan as something to be excited about, as if it was a gift coming to you with each waking day. That is Grace! Enjoy the anticipation, the journey and the knowing!


  1. A beautiful and inspiring post. Thank you so much for sharing.

  2. Thank you so much for your feedback, Linda. Blessings, Maureen
