Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Grace of Creativity

“The most creative act you can undertake is the act of creating yourself.”
(Deepak Chopra)

Last month, my wish was that the Giving Spirit of the Christmas Season continue to radiate through our lives by way of simple gestures, accepting moments and loving thoughts.  This month, I’d like to take that a step further to talk about the Giving Spirit of Creativity.

For years, I thought being creative meant having the skills of an excellent pianist, singer, artist, etc.  As I learned more about creativity, I realized we are all creating, every day.  Each person is as unique as a fingerprint; yet, often we compare ourselves to others and think we are not as creative as someone else.

Our life is ours to create – it was given to us by God with His Blessing!  In my first blog post, I mentioned that in 2001, I began to write a manuscript related to my gratitude for Grace.  Once I got further into it, I asked God if I had the right to write about this subject, since I was not “educated” in the topic.  The answer I received was: “Our creativity speaks with God’s voice.”  The more I understand this opportunity to create, the more I realize the huge Gift God has given each one of us.  He wants us to be happy and to be filled with joy and gives us the skills to create the life that makes us happy.  That’s the greatest Giving Spirit we could ever receive!

As we go about our day, it may feel like we’re making minor decisions along the way; however, we’re creating with each step.  This is why it’s so important to make the decisions that feel right for us – too often we worry about what someone else thinks we should be doing.  This may sound selfish; however, God gives us the opportunity to express and create our life by giving each one of us different interests and abilities and choices that excite our soul each day!

So you might ask – how do I know when I’m creating what I truly want?  You will know by your feelings.  If you are feeling the joy of giving, the joy of learning, the joy of being alive, the joy of extending your love, those are positive feelings.  If you find yourself experiencing negative emotions, such as anger, blame, fear, jealousy, resentment, you will know that you are not making choices that are fulfilling your soul.  As soon as you realize you’re feeling a negative emotion, stop for a moment to determine what’s behind that emotion.  As mentioned earlier, sometimes we make choices based on what we think others want us to do – often that results in negative emotions.  Our emotions respond to our beliefs, so when you’re feeling negative emotions, check in with yourself to determine the belief you’re holding onto that’s bringing about that emotion – that belief is triggering your feelings.

Enjoy the Giving Spirit of Creating Life!

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