Friday, March 7, 2014

With Gratitude for our Soul

“This is the first, wildest and wisest thing I know,
that the soul exists and that it is built entirely out of attention.”

“…if I had to guess, I would say that only
what the soul is supposed to be
could send us forth with such cheer….”

(Mary Oliver, Poet)

This month’s post is somewhat of a continuation of last month’s on creativity – when we speak of creating our life, determining what we like to create, it leads us to a very deep place – to our soul.

We may think of our soul as being separate from us – something we tap into only at a moment of deep prayer.  Instead, it is always with us, always providing, always supportive.  It is often hard on this physical plane to break through all the things happening at once, to find our soul.  Yet, this is where our creativity flourishes – it is a place of integrity.  It is where we find comfort and peace, wisdom and knowledge, compassion and love, support and truth.  Because our world is often chaotic, it is hard to catch a glimpse of our soul; however, as mentioned in the previous blog, it comes to us through a rich and wonderful feeling.  If we are lost or not feeling connected or feeling less than and not deserving of, we can feel distant from our soul; and yet, it is still present.  When our life feels enriched, when we have passion for our studies or for our daily activities or what we are creating, this is when we are allowing our soul to come forth.

In her book, Seth Speaks, Jane Roberts writes: “You are meant to understand the nature of your inner self, and to manifest it outward.  As this is done, the exterior circumstances should change for the better as the inner self becomes more aware of its own nature and capabilities.”  I feel the important part of this statement is to realize how our world can change if we get to know our inner self and manifest that beauty outwardly.  If instead, we’re not in touch with our inner self, we may be in darkness, projecting our fears and prejudices onto others.

I have a deep concern for our world – for so many reasons – our constant attachment to technological gadgets is huge – yet, I fully trust that all is going toward the good even though we cannot always see that.  One of my professors repeatedly reminded us to “stand still in silence.”  In our chaotic world there is not much standing still and there is very little silence.  That chaos often causes a shaky world for its inhabitants.  I genuinely worry about our youth who are imbedded with these attachments.  All the more reason to find that inner self, the inner voice, our soul, where there is always comfort and peace.

When each one of us is able to feel the presence of our soul, to feel its gift, to experience its loving kindness, we can take comfort and extend that peace and serenity; so, there is a huge impact to the overall health of our world if we are open to our soul’s gift.

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