Friday, July 1, 2016

With Gratitude for Peace

In recent posts, we’ve talked about finding peace in order to provide calm in our fast-paced lives. Yet, in today’s world, we might wonder exactly how and where to find peace – not only to provide calm but to provide safety in our environment. This is why it’s very important to create our own peace. But how do we do that? Today, for a moment, let’s set aside the many tragedies in our world that splinter our daily lives; for a moment, let’s talk about what we can do in our individual lives to create peace.

There has always been duality in life – humans have a tendency to create a we-they situation. That’s the human ego’s way of dealing with fear. So, let’s remember that. But, just as situations appear to be black or white, people are rich or poor, decisions are right or wrong, we have choices we can make that involve the biggest and most important duality – that of love and fear.

Fear has its place – it protects us from real and present danger. However, fear also arises from experiences of feeling left out or feeling not good enough that fester and grow over time. This type of fear stems from a feeling of separation, not being included, not being loved. Some say our greatest separation is the feeling that our physical body is separated from our soul and that’s where this whole separation issue began. We come upon this earth and forget who we truly are.

So, let’s remember who we actually are and what our capacity really is. Somewhere deep inside we are love and only love, the kind of love that we cannot even comprehend. In order to find peace, we must go there – we must find that gentle peace, warmth and love. The sooner we find that in our self, the sooner our outer world will change. It is up to us individually.

This may require us to do some house cleaning within to sweep away the darkness. That may mean we make a decision to put all past grievances in the past, we let go of what we’ve been hanging onto for years that is no longer serving us and we begin anew. Surrender and let go. This may sound like giving up control; in some ways it is; but in more ways it is taking control by deciding what’s really going to drive our lives.

Darkness is here – it is prevalent; however, the Light is more prevalent. I can say with certainty in my lifetime that I have seen the Light grow, so I know we’re going toward the good. Please do not dwell on the darkness that is present – it has always been there. Do not let it tempt you into fear. Go within, find the Light, find the peace, find the warmth and love that is ever present. I have a strong belief that as the Light grows it stirs the egos of those filled with darkness, which makes for knee-jerk reactions by them. Let it go – know that the Light has already outshone that darkness. This is a time for faith and trust. This is a time for strength. Find it within. It will provide a ripple effect – as each and every one of us brings more Light to the earth, the darkness will dissipate.

If you have any doubts about finding that place of peace within, know that you have already touched it many times, possibly when you’ve watched a movie that truly warmed your heart or inspired you or you were totally moved by a beautiful song and tears came to your eyes or you said a prayer and got so lost in it that you knew you touched the Divine – go there, again – it is always present and available to you.